Our Vision

Our vision. We see a BIG future for the Children, Youth, Young Adults and Adults of the Northern Beaches ( and beyond ) in a dynamic relationship with God and helping people in all the nations to follow Jesus.

Our Mission


Our Community

Our Mission is to empower people with the Gospel, fostering relationships within small and large groups.

Our community gathers both as house churches and as a whole church. We meet together every Sunday for a Celebration service.

Connect with a house church. House churches meet at varying times of the week and in an online space too. Each has its own flavour and uniqueness. We encourage you to try a few different ones! Get in touch with us and we will point you in the right direction.

Connect with our youth group on Friday nights. We meet across the term for fun and Jesus! A combination of ‘out-nights’ and ‘in-nights’ means there’s always something happening.

Connect with an activity group that meets around various hobbies and interests.


Our Values


The Church as Community. The basis of our church life is involvement in a house church where meaningful relationships are fostered. Community extends beyond a once a week meeting and incorporates all members of the households represented. Every member, young or old, is encouraged to use and develop their gifts and abilities, to serve and minister one to another, and to take initiatives in reaching out beyond the group. 

Dependence on God. All we plan or do must be initiated by God and sustained by Him. It involves spending time to hear from God personally and corporately, and then stepping out in faith to do His will. We have a commitment to the Bible as the word of God; understood and lived out. We believe a vibrant spiritual life should be normal. Spiritual gifts should be regularly exercised. We expect to experience constant renewal by the Holy Spirit and Spirit led worship and prayer.

Partnership with the wider church. We are committed to fostering good relations with the whole body of Christ, working in partnership to see God’s kingdom come locally and to the ends of the earth.

Blessed to be a Blessing. We are to be a blessing to the local communities in which we live, to our nation and beyond. God has given us much to share. We want to be an open and welcoming Christian community for others to join. And we want to be involved in blessing and serving beyond ourselves.

We encourage relational outreach rather than majoring on evangelistic events. Corporate gatherings such as Celebration are also an opportunity for seekers to see the vibrant life of the church community, experience the power of God and hear the gospel preached.

Everything we are and all that we have belong to Christ Jesus. As disciples we are called to be obedient to the will of Christ, wise stewards of what God has given and generous with all we have.

Creativity & flexibility. The principles and beliefs of our ministry are certain, but we encourage creativity and flexibility in the way that they are applied. We are willing to experiment and take some risks in doing things in new or different ways.