We Want To Share Good News 


That’s why we love to talk to you about what Christians call ‘the Gospel’ of Jesus. 

Gospel means Good News!

God created an amazing universe. He created us in his own wonderful image. To be in relationship with him, loved and enjoying all that his presence, power and perfect creation has to offer. 

But something that was the opposite of God, evil, entered into God’s world. As a result, humankind chose to exercise their free will. To do things their own way rather than God’s way. That choice had dire consequences. We see that all around us today, in the state of our environment, our relationships, and our unsatisfied, restless hearts. We are all still part of the problem, preferring our ways to God’s. 

But God wants us back in relationship with him. Badly. He wants to see all things restored. This comes at a price that is too high for us. We can’t undo what has been done. But God can. He sent his son Jesus to pay that price for us.   

Jesus lived a perfect human life and died an undeserved death to make amends for us, so we could be forgiven for our hearts and lives that turn from God. Jesus’ resurrection to life demonstrated the effectiveness of that sacrifice. Death has been overcome. If we accept this gift of forgiveness from Jesus we too are restored to life with God, starting right now. 

Peace, hope, love and joy are gifts of our restored relationship, even while we continue to live in a damaged world. In eternity all things will again be made new, and eternity begins now for all who believe. 


The Gospel of Jesus is very good news.